The simple present in english

Con aclaraciones en español


Use (cuándo o para qué se usa el presente simple)

1) repeated actions  (una acción habitual, que se repite normalmente)

My friend often draws nice posters.


2) things in general
(cosas que pasan en general, leyes físicas o naturales, etc)

The sun rises in the East.

3) fixed arrangements, scheduled events 
(citas ya acordadas, acciones programadas)

The plane flies to London every Monday.

4) actions in the present - one follows after the other
(acciones en el presente, una tras la otra)

First I get up, then I have breakfast.

5) instructions 
(instrucciones u órdenes)

Open your books at page 34.


6) after special verbs
 (tras verbos especiales)

I understand English.

Signal words  (palabras clave para reconocer el presente simple)

every day, often, always, sometimes, never

Form  (cómo se forma)

infinitive (3rd person singular he, she, it: infinitive + -s)


1) Affirmative sentences:

I read books. My brother reads books.
We sing pop songs. She sings pop songs.
I play handball. John plays handball.

2) Negative sentences:

You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary do for negations.

No se niega el verbo como en español, añadiendo un "no" (yo no como). En inglés hemos de

usar un verbo de "ayuda" para negar y preguntar. Es el verbo DO.

I   like computers.
I like computers at all.


My friend likes computers.
My mum like computers at all.

3) Questions:

Use the auxiliary do.

Do you play football?
Does he play football?

There's a useful sheet where you can study the present simple in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

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Jesús Montede Villafaina, 2006